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Experience the ultimate in fuel additives with Neo Petcon's premium products. For more information, please contact us at info@neopetconindia.in,
or call us at (+91) 9289639031 (Delhi), (040) 23096433, 7330965673 (Hyderabad).
Sock loading of catalyst in reactors leads to less than optimum catalyst mass in the reactor volume. Also, the catalyst distribution is not uniform, leading to channelling on the one hand and a rapid increase in pressure drop on the other hand.
Therefore, dense catalyst loading typically achieves 15% more catalyst mass in the same reactor volume compared to sock loading; more uniform loading with minimum channelling has become a standard operating requirement.
DENSICAT is a patented method of dense loading using a specially designed Petroval machine, which ensures nearly perfect uniform distribution across the reactor cross-sectional area.
When catalyst change needs to be done and time is critical, implying more extended production loss, DENSICAT contributes immense value by a much faster loading rate than any other form of dense loading.
The significant benefit during reactor operation is the utilisation of the entire catalyst surface area reflected in much lower temperature ripples (+/- 1°C) across the reactor cross-section and a much slower evolution of pressure drop.
Experience the ultimate in fuel additives with Neo Petcon's premium products. For more information, please contact us at info@neopetconindia.in,
or call us at (+91) 9289639031 (Delhi), (040) 23096433, 7330965673 (Hyderabad).